Football games for a non computer generation
In a search for football
games you could play on the Internet, a depressing array of
words like scratchcard and lottery will vie for your clicking attention
in mouse terms. Even worse, you might be unlucky enough to stumble
onto such terms as "slime soccer". The slime here will
be the stuff that comes out of your open mouth as you contemplate
the horror (of disappointment). Briefly described as pacmen meets
football with one player aside.
With slime soccer rating as possibly the pits that might be in
your digital Christmas stocking, those of you old enough to have
seen a computer for the first time when your kids got one will remember
how the older generation had to get by for football games.
Remember blow football? A transparent pipe with a plastic mouthpiece
for each player. Still at one player aside, this game doesn't need
any other playing accoutrements beyond a plastic green sheet with
white line markings. And we are talking the deluxe version here
complete with the folds in the plastic pitch that you can't get
rid of. You might have been one of the poorer kids who had to make
do with the lino.
A search for football games would not be complete without a look
at Subutteo. Now we're talking, this game has floodlights and everything.
You even need to be able to exercise a little skill in flicking
the players about. Probably marginally more than picking your nose.
I remember having several boxes of teams in smart colourful strips
including the statutory Brazilian side every schoolboy needed before
being a complete human being. When you look back in hindsight, every
single box was the same apart from the paint job. What a bunch of
mugs we must have been to buy more than one! The directors of the
company must have needed helping off the floor in fits when the
sales figures came through for extra teams sold.
What an absolute bummer when you accidently trod on one of the
players, they would fold over and snap at the legs. Of course it
would have to be Brazil to trash the whole box and wreck your best
football game team!