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Fantasy Football Leagues

Ever wondered what fantasy football leagues are all about? It is where a game of prediction is played which has become very popular over the last few years and a lot of fun to play. Pick your team from a range of players that can play in any league, and take the challenge of predicting whether they are going to score or even get sent off. Is the team that one of your players competing for going to win?

Sounds simple. But it depends which leagues you register with as they all have their own rules and cheats. Winning an expert's league or contest is a matter of pride, but the real test is proving your predictions hold up week after week, year after year!

Some web sites display and monitor fantasy football forecasts with accuracy in a consistent method each and every week. These are the leagues you can actually pay a lot of money to be part off. They use detailed forecasting methods, placing emphasis on offensive attacking player knowledge, opposition analysis and player talent via predictive modeling that is forecast to replicate the players behaviour every time.

The challenge? It is a great way to provide amateur football pundits with a way to prove who's really number one and it usually helps raise money for charity into the bargain.

In short, don't be fooled by those claiming to have proven track records in fantasy football. The truth is these sites and their member's compete in several leagues and contests each year. Then, when they win one, they go all out and brag about it big time. Perhaps this is an effective salesmen's pitch but it's hardly a viable way to prove anything except a good grasp of parallel strategy!

To be the best, it's important your information and insights need to come from true Football professionals - people that really know the game and that make their living attending matches and interviewing players. Study players and teams and listen to people that really know the game. This combination will give you the chance to have unmatched insights and get a good edge in your league.

The competition? The sad truth is far too many fantasy football sites feature butchers, bakers and candlestick makers - all pretending to be football analysts. They get 2nd hand news and then guess about the deeper football meaning. If you want to win, don't be fooled by these guys.

So go on, get started and join the rest of the train spotters who rest their anoraks between stations and play this game that provides refuge for serious geeks!

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